Our Quasquicentennial Year

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Written and Presented by Dea. Marshall and Sis. Gwen McDade

We are here today to celebrate, thank, praise, and worship God for his faithfulness to the believers of Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church. God’s intergenerational faithfulness has been demonstrated through HIS Presence, Peace, Power and Provision. One hundred twenty-five years ago, a courageous group of five families gathered in a home on Chicon and Manor Road to worship, lift their voices, and experience the power of God in their lives. With their faithful fortitude, unyielding determination and dedication, they laid the foundation for Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist church to become a beacon of light and an example of God’s goodness.

When Mt. Sinai was founded in 1899, the Emancipation Proclamation had only been signed 36 years. Jim Crow laws were rampant in the South and very few laws allowed African Americans to vote, and systemic racism prevented many of us from holding well-paying jobs. Yet, with a hope and a vision, those early founders most likely worshiped God through the preaching of His Word and with the instruments of hand clapping and foot tapping, and perhaps a tambourine.

However, God’s Promise of His Presence prevailed. – In Haggai 2:4, God tells Haggai to let the people know that “I am with you.” Those families continued to meet for almost a year until the dawn of a new century in which GOD’s presence manifested into multifaceted ministries and new edifices.

God’s presence in the 20th century brought Mt. Sinai through a pandemic, two World Wars, the Civil Rights Movement, the fight for racial equality in voting and the fight for economic parity, global events such as the decimation of the Berlin Wall, the dissolution of the USSR, and the formation of the European union.

Haggai 2:5, “My Spirit remains with you, do not fear.” God’s peace has seen us through at least three financial crisis-stock market, banking, and savings and loan, numerous Political conflicts, the assassination of political and civil rights leaders, and the dawn of the digital age.

Not only has God’s Presence and Peace been with us, God has Provided his Power – Haggai 2:6 In a little while, I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.” God reminds us that He is still in control, regardless of circumstances. His powerful hand has brought Mt Sinai to worshiping with multi-voiced choirs and praise teams, numerous instruments and full-time music staff. His Power allows Mt. Sinai to be carried through HIS airways through electronic means to reach the world.

The 20th century at Mt. Sinai saw us evolve into generations realizing God’s faithfulness and our worshipping him through youth, young adult and seniors ministries, Mission Auxiliaries, Women’s and Men ministries which provide spiritual growth, opportunities to serve our community, and that spread God Word to the lost.……God’s presence was manifested through the expansion of the Pastoral ministries. Not only do we have powerful and humble Sr. Pastor, we’ve been blessed to add an Assistant to the Pastor, Youth Pastor, and a Senior’s Minister to

minister to the needs of a multi-generational membership. Sunday school added non-traditional classes, Communication ministries expanded from tapes to CDs.

Philippians 4:19, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Glor in Christ Jesus.”

God’s provision has allowed Mt. Sinai experience numerous note-burning ceremonies and allowed Mt. Sinai to minister to His people through foreign and domestic missionary channels.

Only 24 years into the 21st century, God brought Mt. Sinai through yet ANOTHER pandemic, HIS power allowed Mt. Sinai entry into the spacious new edifice that we occupy today and witnessing outreach to Cameron Road neighborhoods, the evolution of our communication ministry into the digital age, and online broadcasting allowing the word of God to reach an aging Church and national population, and the addition of a Young Adults’ Pastor.

God continues to provide His Presence and Provision in our lives so that we can testify that whether looking back 125 years or looking back to yesterday, God’s presence and provision continues.

And last, God has a Purpose in our lives – Haggai 2:9, “The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former.” There is a reason that we are still here. God has a purpose in our lives and there remains work to do in HIS vineyard. Mt Sinai’s discipleship focus is to “go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”(Matthew 28:19-20 ) HIS purpose for His Church will prevail.

Today, as we celebrate this quasquicentennial, a polysyllabic word that means one and one quarter, we celebrate one and one quarter centuries of God’s Presence, Power, Peace, and Provision. As we celebrate, let us look forward to the Purpose that God has for us, for we know that eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered int the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.(I Corinthians 2:9)

As we thank HIM for the blessings of the past including the fortitude of our founders, the joys of the present, and the promise and hope of a future in HIM. Our challenge remains to “work the works of Him who sent us while it is day” (John 9:4). Only 25 more years to go until the sesquicentennial–Let’s Keep busy!

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